This is my blog. It contains my thoughts on writing in general and ghostwriting in particular as well as few personal rants on this and that.

I publish posts here to give you an opportunity of what’s going on in my head, something I hope will be useful and good if you are looking for a ghostwriter or someone to collaborate on a writing project. And if you are a fellow writer or anyone else for that matter, who is just passing through then you are more than welcome.

Writing my blog creates an opportunity for reader feedback and instils a certain discipline to publish content. And, if you like, it’s also my way of ‘practising writing in public’.

As a ghostwriter, I  encounter too many people who have something to say but keep that to themselves. Often this is because they want to get their writing into the best state possible, a natural inclination but one that holds them back.

Perfection, as they say, is the enemy of the good.

But I think words should be out in the big wide world where they can make a difference – no matter how small. Again, another reason I write this blog is to encourage to publish words so as to find their voice in public.

And if that means something isn’t quite right that’s just the way it is.

So, fair warning. In this blog ‘there be dragons’ – typos, glitches and even the odd non sequitur thrown in to annoy and confound. Not through choice but merely down to human error.

The urgent need in me to publish is also why many of these blog posts are short. I’d prefer to be publishing something frequently – a little and often – rather than toiling over a ‘magnum opus’ post.

That isn’t to say a short post will stay that way.

But, while many of these blogs are short they won’t stay that way as I continually go back to add and revise them. Some posts have started out life as no more than a single sentence that conveyed the germ of an idea, which I’ve then gone back to and developed into something more. That means my initial mini-musings are just the catalyst for something bigger.

Anyway, that’s enough of that, as my grandmother used to say.

My blog’s all yours. Enjoy as best you can.

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